Saturday, March 8, 2008

An apple a day will keep the doctor away.

This Spring Break I'm probably going to be in some kind of health place, whether its the doctor, the dentist, or the eye doctor. We're all visiting these wonderful people that might give you pain and they might not. So let's hope not.
Congrats to our Varsity softball team they had their first district game and then won! I'm tellin' ya it was intense. Last night I went to the bowling alley and had some good times with some people I haven't hung out with in a long time.
And I saw two of my bestfriends that I haven't seen in a long time :D Yeah, talk about exciting. Oh and tonight I had some definate good times with the Crutches at Braums. Talking about booger and such is so much fun :)

Okay, I don't know what else to say.
My adrenaline is slowing down, so I'm wolfing down cans of fruit and tall glasses of orange juice so I won't get sick.
I mean who wants to be sick on Spring Break, NOT ME!

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