Thursday, April 9, 2009

I guess that's the way it goes...

I have been caught up with people who I shouldn't be hanging out with, I am trying so hard to show them that the things they do are stupid and NOT okay and I'm not gonna give up. My dad has been giving me grief, also. Since we're in the heat of the time that it's my time to get a car, he, I guess, doesn't know how to handle it. He asked me last week why I hang out with the people I hang out with and it disturbed me for him to ask such a question. My close friends at school are all gradually getting cars and license and it's easy enough to just call them up and ask them to chill. I guess they, meaning my parents (pointing at my dad), don't like that I'm out of the house very much but you know I'm growing up and my house isn't gonna be the place I hang out at. I can honestly say that I hate being at my household, I feel tention and the feeling of guilt. They give it to me all the time. I don't understand why, I have never touched an alcohol related drink, anything that has to do with getting high, nore have I ever have fallen into temptation.
I just want to make memories, chill out with my friends, and NOT STAY AT HOME!
What do I do? I need advice. I have talked with my mom about this but she doesn't even give me a reasonable reason.

For instance, tonight...
There are two baseball games, one's at five in Duncanville and the other at seven at our home field. My bestfriend just got her license last weekend and she isn't that bad of a driver at all. I just want to hang out, I mean is that hard to let me do?
I seriously think my parents think I'm doing drugs and drinking. They ask me all the time what I'm doing, who I'm with, and where I'm going. They don't trust me at all and it makes me mad to say "No." to my friends when it's just a simple baseball game. I don't understand. My mom told me to blow it off, but really? How can I blow something off that's constantly stressing me out because I try to make plans with people but I have to limit myself to doing things since my parents have the horrible oppurtunity to say No.

Please help me :( They won't listen to me AT ALL, and I have never given them the reason to NOT trust me.


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