Monday, August 11, 2008

Hello? Anyone in there?

Wow! I haven't updated in a really really long time and I'm really sorry about that. Let's see what has been going on:
-Camp was amazing, its so amazing how God can show his love to you in so many ways!
-Mission Trip was the best yet! I loved working with the little kids!
-And last but certainly not least, I have made JV and am the one out of two setters! So I'm excited about that.
We have our first HOME scrimmage. I will probably, in a later post, give you all the volleyball games that are scheduled.

Today, I took a trip to my oral surgeon only because when I was getting my second (and last) set of teeth pulled, the root of my top tooth broke off into my gum and now I have to get it removed. I went in thinking that they were going to do all these tests on me, but all heard was a 'Okay you're done', after just one X-ray. I was like YESSS! But I'm scheduled to go in next Wednesday to get the root removed and I found out I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled next summer. Talk about yuckiness! So let's hope that goes very well! I do have bottom braces now, they really aren't that bad compared to what people told me how they were going to feel. I get my top ones August 14th (Thursday) so that should be fun :)
Also today, I had our first OFFICIAL volleyball practice as JV team. We went in thinking that "Eh, no sweat that we won't have to do 1 1/2 miles!"
Um, we were wrong!
So about sixish while ya'll were probably sitting at home watching Michael Phelps swim his way into being the Olympian with the most gold medals, we were outside IN THE RAIN running 2 miles. OH, and this is the fun part, in front of the whole entire football team!

So that was very eventful and excruciating pain!
:) But we're all in good shape to run!

My life has been eventful lately now that I'm going to be a sophmore taking (almost) college classes. I WILL be busy!
But its the people in my life that keep me going :)

1 comment:

Its just me...ASHLEY! :) said...

i absolutely love you b! and i cant wait to come see some of your games this year when im taking my ACTUAL college